23 May 2022
7 min.30423
Overview of the personal assistant for B2C «Cabinet FM»
Illia Martyn
Illia Martyn

Many experts in various industries are starting a new practice - conducting online consultations. Over the years, professionals have accumulated tremendous experience and are now ready to share it.

Some coaches broadcast live on social media. Facebook and Instagram have excellent functionality. You can also broadcast live on the Youtube video platform.

It is necessary to create an online event, invite people, make announcements. Such preparation takes both time and energy.

As a result, this option for creating online meetings is suitable for one-time events. But what if the expert is ready to conduct online classes on an individual basis? What if the teacher is busy with other projects? There is a great solution - Cabinet FM

Cabinet FM combines different functions in one place:

  • calendar,

  • schedule,

  • reminder,

  • booking system,

  • payments,

  • personal account.

What Cabinet FM looks like

Cabinet FM service is suitable for both a successful independent specialist and educational projects. The service will take care of all administrative tasks: book a meeting, remind you in time and connect you to the video service.

The main feature of Cabinet FM is the coach/teacher landing page. This is a simple and convenient landing page where you briefly and concisely describe yourself and your professional experience. You can choose a simple landing page design, upload a photo, and add links to websites and social networks.

On the landing page, you can add your services, where you indicate who and how you can help, for what cost and on what conditions.

Here you add links to your messengers, YouTube channel and other sites.

Benefits of working with Cabinet FM

Saving time on organizing a meeting

The coach does not need to explain the reason why they cannot schedule a time for online consultations. It is enough to send a link to your page and the clients themselves will choose the right time for the meeting.

Integration with other apps/services

Cabinet FM integrates with the Google Calendar. This way you can effectively plan your time.

When a user selects a time to meet with a coach, the event will automatically appear in the calendar on the service, as well as in Google Calendar itself.

In Cabinet FM, you can add personal and group meetings, as well as mark "Vacation" or "Day off" (non-working time).

Integration with Zoom. A coach can connect a Zoom account. If you have multiple Zoom profiles, you can easily change the settings and select the required account.

Booking and event reminder

Self meeting booking. If for some reason your client cannot book a time for an event, then the coach themself can do this. Just enter the client's phone number.

Event reminders. While Cabinet FM can integrate with your calendar, there is no guarantee that any of your attendees will receive a reminder to be on time. The service will remind everyone about the upcoming meeting 1 day and 1 hour in advance:

  • WhatsApp reminders

  • Emails

  • SMS reminders

  • Push to Google Calendar

  • Push notifications on pages

Users receive a link to a Zoom meeting, which is generated automatically, or a link to cancel and reschedule, which works without authorization.

Web analytics services

Event analytics. Cabinet FM integrates with web analytics services such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Google Analytics will help track the actions of users who visited the coach's landing page, and Facebook Pixel will help you set up and analyze Facebook ads.

Payments from anywhere in the world

Convenient payments. Cabinet FM allows you to receive payments from all over the world. You can also pay for consultations with other specialists on the Cabinet.FM platform.

Free for those who are self-employed. Cabinet FM provides all the service  features for  free and without restrictions. The coach can specify three types of services.

Paid rate exists for companies. Cabinet FM will help you manage your employees, their schedules and workload. The subscription price is $12 per employee.


The Cabinet FM platform collects reviews, which are available for viewing on the trainer's personal page.

Reviews are added automatically, but a specialist can change their places, attach and decide which ones to publish.

Registration in Cabinet FM

To register on the service, it is enough to enter a phone number with a country code.

After you entered the number from the SMS, the system will ask you to fill in personal data.

You must fill in the username, email address, subscription type (I work alone / I want to create a company / Client), as well as the web address of the future landing page.

After registration, you can watch a video tutorial on how to work with the system or watch it later.

The page is ready! It's time to complete information about yourself and connect Google Calendar and Zoom.

To connect Google Calendar, you need to provide access to the service to your Google account. Similarly, this is done for connecting Zoom.

Now you can add the first Service.

After editing the first Service, registration can be considered successful.

Cabinet FM functionality


An online trainer can add three Services (for companies, the number of services is unlimited). To add, just go to the "Services" section and click on the appropriate button.

Name the service, indicate the duration of the online event and the cost. For example, English lessons, online consultation or audit.

Landing page

Editing a personal landing page is available in the "Landing" section. You can upload a photo and cover for the page, write more information about yourself and how you can be useful.

Cabinet FM has a wide range of professions:

You can also choose a theme for your landing page.

You don’t have to worry about the design – the landing page will turn out beautiful and concise.

There is a functionality for adding a link to your external websites, social networks and messengers.

Additional links to your website or social networks will help users to learn more about you.

The link to the landing page can be placed on social networks, on websites, in email signatures, and can also be sent directly to clients and colleagues in private messages.

Now there is no need to describe your experience, skills, services in every chat with a potential client.

Also in the "Landing" section, you can specify working hours and the time when you rest.

Conducting online meetings

Organizing an online event is a complex process that can be divided into two parts: educational and administrative.

The coach prepares for each individual lesson - prepares information, draws up a lesson plan, develops methodological materials.

The administrative part includes coordinating the time of the online meeting, which is suitable for both the teacher and the student, generating a link to Zoom, adding a link to the meeting in the calendar, plus sending the link to all participants of the event. In addition, if the event is canceled or postponed, then everyone must be informed about it.

The Cabinet FM platform will take care of all the administrator's tasks. You just need to create a landing page, add your services and send a link to potential clients. The system itself organizes a new meeting in your Google Calendar with an automatically generated link to Zoom and all the details of the participant.

1 day and 1 hour before the start of the meeting, the system will send a notification to WhatsApp and email.

And after the event, you will be able to create a meeting report and ask for feedback from all participants.

Now you can focus on the educational process and not worry about administrative tasks.

To summarize

If you want to effectively manage your time and get paid for the online consultations without additional investments and with a minimum effort, then Cabinet FM's Personal Assistant for self-employed professionals will help you.

This is a more convenient way to use the familiar calendar. Information about the coach and important meetings is saved in one place, online events are automatically organized and payments are accepted.

Discover new opportunities and make your life easier with Cabinet FM.