1. Visit our authorization page at the production server by the link - https://cabinet.fm/en/login
2. Fill in your mobile number with “+” and click the button “Continue” (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ)
3. Fill in the code from the sms on the verification page and check the box with the privacy rules. Click the button “Continue” (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ)
4. In the first input fill your first and second name.
In the second input fill your e-mail
In the third input, the system is going to generate the unique URL address for your page in the Cabinet.fm
And it’s enough to continue, click the “Continue” button (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ)
5. You can skip the last step in the registration process because you don’t need to provide any information to continue
Click the “I will do it later” link (Настроить позже) at the bottom right side of the form
6. Visit the integration page (https://cabinet.fm/profile/integrations) and click the button “Connect Zoom” (ПОДКЛЮЧИТЬ ZOOM). Follow the regular login process on Zoom website.
1. Go to the your main Cabinet page at https://cabinet.fm/profile and click “Services”. After that click “Create New Service” (Добавить новую услугу)
2. Choose the Service name, Service Category, describe the service.
2.1 Choose the price, service duration, adjust notifications, and then choose the Location as Zoom from the drop down menu for this service. Enter your Zoom account name and click “Connect Zoom” (ПОДКЛЮЧИТЬ ZOOM)
2.2 Scroll down and click “Continue” (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ)
1. The client receives the link to book a meeting and sees this screen. Now the client can choose the preferred date and time from the available slots
2. The client chooses the date by clicking on the preferred date and hovers on the preferred time slots, then clicks “Book”(ЗАБРОНИРОВАТЬ)
3. Step 2 - The client is offered to leave the consultant a comment regarding the booked meeting. Then clicks on “Continue” (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ)
4. The client sees the booking confirmation message
5. At this moment, an email notification has been sent to the Consultant and the Client containing link to the Zoom meeting
6. If you no longer wish to have your Zoom account connected to Cabinet.fm, you can uninstall it by logging into your Zoom account, navigating to the "Installed Apps" page on the Zoom Marketplace, and clicking on the "Uninstall" button.